Inventory requisition and purchase

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purchase indent is an internal organizational request in the purchasing process to authorize the requisition of materials prior to initiating a purchase order.


Inventory Admin


Purchase Requisitions » Inventory Requisition and Purchase


-         Inventory admin can create the Indent for purchase of inventory item

-         In indent admin can add drafted item directly from the list available in draft.

-         New product can be created from the admin on same UI.

-         Admin can view the Indent Status (Accepted / Rejected­)

Screen Shots / Steps

Inventory Requisition and Purchase

- In process indent will be shown in In-Process Indent tab.


Create New Indent

- To create indent first select the base product from the drop down and click on create new indent button.

- To Add product in the indent search the product name in searchable textbox and select the product from the list.

- Enter order Quantity and manufacturing company name for all selected product.

- Enter expected delivery date and save the indent.

Indent 1.png

Drafted Item

- For purchase indent user have the provision to add product in the draft on Inventory Transaction UI.

- Already drafted product can be added in the purchase indent.

- To add drafted products click on add product from draft button.

- Select the product which needs to be added in purchase indent and click on add button.

Drafted Items.png

Add new Product

- If any product is not configured in the system then user can directly add product from the same screen instead of going back to the Configuration » Product Add/Search/Edit.

- To add new product in to the system click on Add new product button.

- Fill all the required details and click on save button.

Base product from purchase indent.png

Rejected Indent

- To check the rejected Indent list click on Rejected Indent tab.

Rejected Indent.png

- To check the reason of rejection and indent details click on the indent hyperlink.

Indent 123.png