Book Bank Refund Requests

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Book Bank Refund Requests

In case when Book bank membership is paid, after a defined time period the student can request for refund of book bank membership payment. This request can be sent from student login. Admin here can view all the requests and can either accept the refund request of book bank member or refuse them. If the request is accepted by Library Admin, same request is further gone to Finance Admin for payment settlement.


Library Admin


Book Bank » Book Bank Refund Requests

Inputs Needed

  • Accept/Reject refund requests.
  • In case of rejection, reason for rejection of refund request.


  • Accept/Reject refund request.
  • Generate reports for all transactions(Approved/pending/rejected).

Step by Step

1) Approve or reject pending refund requests.

  * Select appropriate department and dates to view pending requests and either click on "Approve" or "Reject" button to do the same.
Book bank refund request.png
  * View Approved refund requests and generate report for same.
Approved request.png
  * View rejected refund requests and generate report for same.
Rejected refund request.png