Exam Fees

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Exam Admin

Finance Admin


Scheduler » Exam Form Notifications

Fee » Exam fees Fixation » Exam Form Fees

Terminology Used

All Subject Fee - Exam from fees common for all subject.

Subjectwise Fee - Exam from fees is different for subject.

Credit Wise Fee - Subject credit wise exam from fee can be define.

Per Subject Fee - Per subject wise exam from fee can be define.

Late Fee - Late fees should also be payable for the whole time period from due date of filing to the date of actual filing.

Super Late Fee - Super Late Fee should also be payable for the whole time period from due date of late fee filing to the date of actual filing.

Input Needed

Contains Type

Type of Fee

Fee Amount

Account Head Name


- User can define exam from fees for regular,make up as well as backlog exam.

- User can define exam from fees common for all subject or else subject wise.

- User can define exam from fees subject credit wise.

- User can define exam from fees per subject wise.

- Student can pay exam from fees online as well as offline mode.

Screen Shots / Steps

Exam Fee Structure

Exam Fee Structure.png

- To create exam fee structure click on click here link or Generate Fee Structure(All Semester) button.

Add New Fee Structure.png

Fee » Exam fees Fixation » Exam Form Fees

- To add account head name select Account Head Name.

Account Head Name.png