Evaluation Parameter Configuration

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Evaluation Parameter Configuration

Evaluation parameter configuration is used to define set of parameter for different courses(subjects) under a program for student internal assessment.


Academic Admin


Academic Admin >> Planning >> Evaluation Parameter Configuration

Terminologies Used

  • Program: Program is usually similar to qualification but not always. In Engineering colleges, all first year students are allocated to the program "Applied Science" which is a mixed group for teaching basics of Engineering to all specialization. In the second year Applied Science students are distributed to different programs(non-functional departments) like BE - Comp, BE - Civil, BE Mech.
  • Evaluation Parameter: Evaluation parameter is used to define assessment criteria for students in academics.For program BE - Comp faculty may have evaluation parameter as Attendance, Assignments, Orals, etc on which students would be rewarded with marks.
  • Batch: Batch is a Lot of students administered to a program from admission year upto expected passing year.For example a four year course of BE - Comp with admission year 2018 and expected passing year 2022 will have the batch 2018-22.The student may however have year - down and pass later, but for identification batch remains the same.
  • Division/Section: In a program BE Comp Batch 2018-22 there can be 3 sections/divisions of 40 students each.

Inputs Needed

  • Programme Name
  • Academic Batch
  • Term Name
  • Evaluation Parameter Name
  • Frequency: Number of sub parameters.
  • Weightage to Internal marks (%): Internal marks percentage.
  • DMS system required: Document management system for course(subject) evaluation.
  • Are faculties allowed to fill marks: Allows faculty to give marks to students for internal assessment.
  • Is Internal Passing Marks: Specify the passing marks for assessment.


  • Add New Evaluation Parameters
  • Replicate Schema
  • Delete Evaluation Parameters log
  • Direct CO Evaluation Parameters
  • CO Evaluation(with/without weightage)

Configuration and it's effects

Primary Functionality : CASE 1 :- Add New Evaluation Parameter

  • Enables to create course(subject) wise evaluation parameter for every section/division.
  • Add evaluation parameter option will only be visible if the faculty is allocated with the course(subject).
  • Faculty can upload marks for every evaluation parameter and define passing marks for same.

CASE 2 :- Replicate Schema

  • Replicate parameter to multiple section/division.
  • Say faculty teaches two division division A and division B of BE - COMP program.Faculty can only define evaluation parameters for division A and replicate the same to division B.

CASE 3 :- Delete Evaluation Parameters log

CASE 4 :- Direct CO Evaluation Parameters

CASE 5 :- CO Evaluation(with/without weightage)

Step by step:

Follow Below mentioned steps
  • Planning >> Evaluation Parameter Configuration
  1. Add new evaluation parameter.


  1. Replicate Schema.


  1. Enable evaluation parameter.


  1. Set Priority for evaluation parameter.