Batch Management
Batch Management
Batch is a bunch of students administered to a program from admission year up-to expected passing year. Suppose a bunch of 60 students is taking admission in a four year course of BE - Comp program, in the academic year 2018-2019 than the batch BE - COMP 2018-2022 will be formed and expected passing year for students would be 2022.
Few student may however have year down and pass later, but for identification the batch will be BE - COMP 2018-2022 as the batch indicates the admission year. Batch management allows a user to edit or modify the settings of existing batch.
Head Admin, Academic Admin
Academic Admin login >>Schedule >> Batch Management
Head Admin login >> Academics >> Academics Schedule >> Batch Management
Inputs Needed
- Programme Name
- Term Name/Semester Name
- Section/Division Name
- Edit option for term start date and term end date.
- Students of a particular program can be divided into batches/division/sections.
- Batches/division/sections can be activated and deactivated.
For a batch / division / section following settings can be configured :
Primary Functionality :
- Can change batch status from Running to Planning.
- Mark running batch as In-active.Would mark the current running batch as Inactive.
Miscellaneous Functionality :
- Re-admissions/Next year subject/course choice can be defined.
- Can initiate Student no due.
- Can fetch previous year or batch employee subject allocation or time table.
- Can fetch previous year course file evaluations.
- Allocate students with core subjects.
- Can define other subject choice activity.
- Update or modify student subject joining date.
- Can add teacher marks entry date.
- Can modify syllabus in case of syllabus mismatch.
- Can perform Student subject/course group mapping.
- Student subject/course priority can be mapped.
For a batch / division / section the following can be configured :
- Define source of attendance.
- Define evaluation parameters like round/ceiling/truncate etc.
- Define SMS/Email configuration settings as to at what regular interval the attendance records should be sent to both present & absent students via SMS/Email.
- Define SMS/Email configuration settings for non conduction of lecture.
- Define Time slots for marking attendance for theory as well as practical session.
- Define SMS/Email configuration settings for alerts to be sent to faculty for lectures(Upcoming lecture,Cancelled lecture & Adjusted lecture).
For a Term following can be configured :
- Can add new Division.
- Specify Division Capacity.
- Define Prefix and Roll number start digit.
- Can edit or delete Division.
Configuration & It's Effects
Primary Functionality :
CASE 1 :- Change to Planning
- Batches can be created in two states Running & Planning.
- Running Batch indicates that current batch is active and divisions under same batch are functioning for regular academics.
- Future term batches can be created and their status is Planning.
- Change batch from Running to Planning.
- This functionality would convert the current running batch to planning state.
CASE 2 :- Mark it Inactive
- Currently active batch can be marked as Inactive.
- If current term is marked de-activate, user will not be able to access this term in any academic activity.
- Academic session date & Teaching plan date should be past dates only then batches can be marked as Inactive.
- Another effect of this functionality is say if user has no batches in planning state and still current batch is marked inactive all the students available in the batch will be automatically transferred to fresher student list.
Miscellaneous Functionality :
CASE 1 :- Re-admission/Next year subject/course choice
- Enables admission process options for students, say student passing from first year and going to second year shall take admission again to second year.
- Can define next year subject/course choice for students.
- Based on selection of semester,subject/course selection option gets enabled for students for defined duration.
- Admission process fees collection payment mode can be defined say online or bank challan based on selection of payment mode the option shall be visible at student end to pay fees.
CASE 2 :- Fetch Previous Employee Subject/Course Allocation and Time table'
- This option helps to fetch Employee & Subject/Course from past semester conducted provided if the pattern for both the batch is same.
- The option is available or valid only if theirs is no faculty subject allocation done in the time table at all,If their is any allocation done than this functionality shall not work and would throw an exception.
- Although after fetching the Employee & Subject/Course from past user can edit or modify the same.
Terminologies Used:
- Program: Program is usually similar to qualification but not always. In Engineering colleges, all first year students are allocated to the program "Applied Science" which is a mixed group for teaching basics of Engineering to all specialization. In the second year Applied Science students are distributed to different programs(non-functional departments) like BE - Comp, BE - Civil, BE Mech.
- Batch: Batch is a Lot of students administered to a program from admission year upto expected passing year. For example a four year course of BE - Comp with admission year 2018 and expected passing year 2022 will have the batch 2018-22 The student may however have year - down and pass later, but for identification batch remains the same.
- Term Name/Semester Name: In a four year program there can be 8 semesters/term or 12 semesters/term or only 4 semesters/term depending on whether the term is 6 months or 4 months or 12 months.
- Section/Divisions: In a program BE Comp Batch 2018-22 there can be 3 sections/divisions of 40 students each.
- Admission Year: Suppose a student takes admission to a program BE Comp Batch 2018-22 than the Admission year for this student is 2018.
- Academic Year: Academic year is the year during which students attend a program.For example a batch of student admitted to program BE Comp in a year 2018 than the first Academic year for these students would be 2018-2019.
Step by step:
Follow Below mentioned steps