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Appraisal and Feedback Module in JUNO Campus has 720 degree coverage


A formal assessment, typically in an interview, of the performance of an employee over a particular period.

Performance appraisal

The performance appraisal is the process of assessing  employee performance  by way of comparing present performance with already established standards which have been already communicated to employees, subsequently providing feedback to employees about their performance level for the purpose of improving their performance as needed by the organization.

A 360-degree performance appraisal

·       is where your raters include people at all levels of relationship with you, i.e. bosses, peers/colleagues, subordinate and self appraisal

·       360 degree = four person review (self, boss, peers, and direct reporters)

A 270-degree performance appraisal

·       Three person review (self, boss, and peers or direct reports)

A 180-degree performance appraisal

·       on the other hand, is where your raters are at the same level as you (peers or colleagues), and a person you report to.

·       180 degree = two person review (self and boss/manager)

A 90-degree performance appraisal

·       would be a single person review. Either a self evaluation or a boss creates the review. 

·       90 degree = one person review (self or another, the boss)

540 degree performance appraisal

·       Superior, peer group, subordinate, self and Student feedback

720 degree performance appraisal

·       Superior, peer group, subordinate, self and Alumni, Parent, Exit Survey of Students

·       It also includes Feedback on every aspect of functioning of the Organization

JUNO Campus being an integrated system, appraisal of the Employee is related to the following

  1. Employee Profile
  2. Goal Setting
  3. FDA (Faculty Development Assistance)