Forgot Password

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If you need help resetting your password, we can help by sending you a link to your registered email address to reset it. Visit Forgot Password. Enter either the email address or username on the account. Select Submit. Check your inbox for a password reset email. Click on the URL provided in the email and enter a new password.


To reset password does not require any specific admin role.

Inputs Needed

Access to the email address registered with the system.


  1. If the user has forgotten his / her password, then they can reset their password on their own.
  2. To do this, at the login page there is a section named forgot password. Upon clicking on this, the system sends a password reset link to the registered email and registered mobile number.
  3. By clicking on this password reset link, the user will be redirected to create a new password for his login.
  4. The systems accepts 8 (upto 20) alpha-numeric password where at-least one special characters such as (@,#,$,%) are mandatory. The user will need to enter the new password twice to confirm.

Step by Step

  1. Forgot Password.
Forgot Password.jpg

2. Password reset link to received to registered email address.

Reset Link.jpg

3. Reset Password window.

New Password.jpg