Muster freezing

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After all the bio-metric data is fetched from the machine and no unnecessary leaves are been deducted for any individual employee or student we need to freeze the muster after which no changes in the muster can be done. After freezing of the muster is done, the admin can proceed further for salary calculation.

CASE - 1

Working days calculation can be dependent on

MUSTER (integrated with bio-metric and pulls attendance from there) LEAVE Register – Leave availed by employees and LWP’s

In such cases all calculations are automatic. Before calculation of salary Leave admin freezes attendance, and removes any discrepancies in the records, if any are present. After freezing of attendance Finance Admin calculates the salary.

CASE - 2

However in some organizations MUSTER ENTRIES are not COMPULSORY. In such cases configuration can be made such that each day default attendance of each employee is market unless he/she has applied for Leaves.

Provision however must be given to the Finance Admin to enter LWP manually at the time of Salary calculations. This is because Default attendance is market for each day even if the employee is absent and no leave application is filled.